Tsa Slot Betekenis
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- Dat is een slot die door een medewerker van de Amerikaanse douane geopend kan worden wanneer ze in je koffer moeten kijken. Hiervoor heeft de Amerikaanse douane een speciale loper. Wanneer je geen TSA slot hebt en je koffer zit op slot, dan loop je het risico dat ze je koffer openbreken en dat zou zonde zijn.
- These systems are referred to as 'Checked Baggage Inspection System' by the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) in the USA, where bags are fed directly into Explosive Detection System (EDS) machines. A CBIS can sort baggage based on each bag's security status assigned by an EDS machine or by a security screening operator.
Acronym | Definition |
TSA | Transportation Security Administration (US Department of Homeland Security) |
TSA | Transportation Security Administration (US DHS) |
TSA | Technology Student Association |
TSA | Tax Sheltered Annuity |
TSA | Trailer Stability Assist (vehicles) |
TSA | The Snowboard Asylum |
TSA | Travel Sentry Approved |
TSA | Total Surface Area |
TSA | Tumor-Specific Antigen (cell-surface antigen not occurring in normal cells) |
TSA | The Salvation Army |
TSA | The Sports Authority (Englewood, CO) |
TSA | Trichostatin A (histone deacetylase inhibitor) |
TSA | Transpacific Stabilization Agreement (shipping) |
TSA | Tryptic Soy Agar |
TSA | Textile Society of America (est. 1987) |
TSA | Telecare Services Association (UK) |
TSA | Tenant Services Authority (UK) |
TSA | Time Stamping Authority |
TSA | Time Share Algorithm |
TSA | Trailer Stability Assist |
TSA | Toyota Style Australia |
TSA | Transportation Security Administration |
TSA | Teleshop Access |
TSA | Target Service Agent |
TSA | Toronto School of Art (Canada) |
TSA | Trans States Airlines (Bridgeton, MO) |
TSA | Time Stamping Authority (electronic commerce) |
TSA | Texas Society of Architects |
TSA | Texas State Aquarium (Corpus Christi, TX) |
TSA | Taiwanese Student Association |
TSA | Tourism Satellite Account |
TSA | Tourette Syndrome Association, Inc. |
TSA | Target Service Agent (Novell) |
TSA | Times Square Alliance (New York) |
TSA | Technical Support Agreement (various companies) |
TSA | The Station Agent (film) |
TSA | Time Series Analysis |
TSA | Turkish Student Association |
TSA | Timber Supply Area (Canada) |
TSA | Tulane School of Architecture (Tulane University; Louisiana) |
TSA | Transport Safety Authority (various locations) |
TSA | Toyota South Africa (vehicles) |
TSA | The Scene Aesthetic (band) |
TSA | Technology Systems Analysis (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory) |
TSA | Telecommunication Society of Australia |
TSA | Thinking Skills Assessment |
TSA | Tampa Sports Authority |
TSA | Tuberous Sclerosis Association (UK) |
TSA | Thai Student Association |
TSA | The Salon Association |
TSA | Total Survey Area |
TSA | Theater Storage Area (US DoD) |
TSA | Télésanté Aquitaine (French health organization) |
TSA | Target System Analysis (US DoD) |
TSA | Total Shoulder Arthroplasty (shoulder joint surgery) |
TSA | Tryptone Soya Agar |
TSA | Traffic Safety Association (Michigan) |
TSA | Temporary Storage Areas (various meanings) |
TSA | Tuberous Sclerosis Alliance (formerly National Tuberous Sclerosis Association; Silver Spring, Maryland) |
TSA | Temporary Staffing Agency |
TSA | Taos Society of Artists (est. 1915; Taos, NM) |
TSA | Taiwan Securities Association (est. 1999) |
TSA | Topical Skin Adhesive (various companies) |
TSA | Transaction Systems Architects, Inc |
TSA | Troubles Spécifiques des Apprentissages (French: Specific Learning Disorders) |
TSA | Technology Skills Assessment (various organizations) |
TSA | Technical Service Agreement |
TSA | Technical Support Alliance |
TSA | Teacher on Special Assignment |
TSA | Taiwan Suzuki Association |
TSA | The Sunbed Association (trade group; UK) |
TSA | Tower Structural Analyst (various companies) |
TSA | Time Slot Assignment |
TSA | Timosaponin (inhibitor) |
TSA | The Scout Association (UK) |
TSA | Tapered Slot Antenna |
TSA | Transformation Story Archive |
TSA | Theosophical Society in America |
TSA | Transition State Analog |
TSA | Temporal Security Agency (gaming) |
TSA | Texas Society of Anesthesiologists |
TSA | Tivoli System Automation (IBM Corp.) |
TSA | Temple Scott Associates (public relations and government relations firm; Canada) |
TSA | Thermoelastic Stress Analysis |
TSA | Temporary Segregated Area (aviation) |
TSA | Treasury-State Agreement (US state funding) |
TSA | Training Situation Analysis (US Navy) |
TSA | Transcortical Sensory Aphasia |
TSA | Texas Speleological Association |
TSA | Task Safety Awareness (building) |
TSA | Taipei, Taiwan - Sung Shan (Airport Code) |
TSA | Technikon Southern Africa |
TSA | Team Sports America, Inc. (sports merchandise manufacturer) |
TSA | The Stubbins Associates (now Kling Stubbins; architecture; various locations) |
TSA | Transuranic Storage Area |
TSA | Term Share Account (finance) |
TSA | Tajne Stowarzyszenie Abstynentów (Polish) |
TSA | Transitional Services Agreement |
TSA | Tank Storage Association (UK) |
TSA | Tanzania Serengeti Adventure (safari operator) |
TSA | Texas Sign Association |
TSA | Troop Support Agency (Army) |
TSA | Taxiway Safety Area |
TSA | Toronto School of Archery (Toronto, Canada) |
TSA | Thaumasite Formation from Sulphate Attack (tunnels) |
TSA | Textile Services Association Limited (UK) |
TSA | Technical System Audit |
TSA | Technical Safety Appraisal |
TSA | Tamil Student Association |
TSA | Training Support Agent |
TSA | Temperature Swing Absorption |
TSA | Täby Sändaramatörer (Swedish radio club) |
TSA | Temporary Support Assistant (school districts) |
TSA | Trans System Authority (gaming, Natural-Selection) |
TSA | Technical Services Analyst |
TSA | Technology Safeguard Agreement |
TSA | Taxe Spécifique Additionnelle (French: Specific Additional Fee) |
TSA | Trace Suspension Assembly (hard drive component) |
TSA | Transport Stream Analyzer (Instrument used in DTV broadcasting to ascertain the condition of the stream) |
TSA | Technical & Scientific Application, Inc (Houston, Texas) |
TSA | Technical Services Associates, Inc. |
TSA | The Schemmer Associates, Inc (Omaha, NE) |
TSA | Travel Security Advisory |
TSA | Title Says All |
TSA | Theatre Students' Association |
TSA | Technicien en Santé Animale (French: Animal Health Technician) |
TSA | Temperate South America |
TSA | Target State Architecture (Sprint) |
TSA | Technical Support Area |
TSA | Tolerance Stack Analysis (mechanical engineering) |
TSA | Thermally Sprayed Aluminum |
TSA | Triple Sugar Agar |
TSA | The Senate Arcade (Seattle, Washington band) |
TSA | Test Start Approval |
TSA | Transmitting Subscriber Internet Address |
TSA | Trainer Support Activity |
TSA | Time-Scale Analysis |
TSA | TELUS Solutions d'Affaires |
TSA | Technical Support and Analysis |
TSA | Target Signature Array |
TSA | Transmitter/Servo Drive/Antenna |
TSA | Target Software Agent(s) |
TSA | The Securities Association Ltd. |
TSA | Transport Services Agreement |
TSA | Tactical Situation Assessment |
TSA | Tropical and Subtropical Agriculture |
TSA | Threat Situational Awareness |
TSA | Target System Architecture |
TSA | Transmitting Subscriber Address |
TSA | Technologie en Santé Animale |
TSA | Total Systems Architecture |
TSA | Testing Support Activity |
TSA | Theater Storage Activities/Ammunition |
TSA | Transient Suppression Assembly |
TSA | Tasa Especifica Adicional |
TSA | Technical Security Area |
TSA | Thermal Shield Antenna |
TSA | Technical Support Activity/Agent |
TSA | Total Sample Area |
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