Black Drum Slot Limit Texas

It shall be unlawful for any person fishing commercially with any gear type to take, catch, or possess any red drum less than 18 inches in total length or greater than 25 inches in total length. Possession limits. Before heading out, be sure to check Texas Parks & Wildlife’s website for regulations; the Lone Star State has a daily bag limit and slot limit for Redfish. Currently (and until August 31, 2020) each angler can keep 3 Redfish that are within 20” to 28”. The black drum (Pogonias cromis), also known as the drum, is a saltwater fish similar to its cousin, the red drum or redfish.Though most specimens are generally found in the 5-30 lb range, the black drum is well-known as the largest of all the drum family with some specimens reaching excesses of 90 lb. Black Drum Slot Limit Texas with some prominent examples including Betonsoft, BetSoft, Microgaming, NetEnt, NextGen, Playn’ Go, Playtech, Rival, RTG and Booming Games.
Black Drum Slot Limit Texas A&m
Appearance: Black Drum are very similar in shape to Red Drum (Redfish), but are deeper bodied and have a flatter tail. Drum also are easily identified by the barbels below their chin. They are typically silvery-grey, with a darker back, but larger drum may be coppery in color. Juvenile drum also sport vertical black stripes.
Size: Black Drum average about 3 to 5 pounds in the bay. However, they can grow up to 70 or so pounds. During the winter and spring, larger black drum in the 15 to 35 pound class are common in the bays across Texas.
Where it's found: Black Drum are found in the surf as well as in the bay. Inside bay waters, they are most commonly found in channels or shallow flats adjacent to deeper channels.
What it eats: Black Drum feed primarily on crustaceans, with crabs and shrimp being their primary food sources.
Top lures & baits: Live or dead crab and shrimp are best bets, although the occassional drum does take an artificial lure.
How it tastes: Smaller black drum make for decent dining.
Texas Bag & Size Limits: 5 fish bag/14 to 30 inch slot size limit